Saturday 7 October 2017

Poerty Recitation Competition

On Thursday, 21st of September, we had the poetry recital competition for the Fledglings, Busy Bees (us) and Rocketeers. We had practiced really hard every day to make sure we are using the variation in our voice, expressions and delivering it really well. 

It was quite hard for our teacher to select only 4 to represent themselves by reciting their poem in front of their own team first. It was Tufala, Annamaria, Celine & VJ. And after the judgment, Tufala was the winner and Annamaria the First Runner-up.

Tufala represented our Room 8 from the Busy Bees Team on the Poetry Recital day. She did a wonderful job and I'm so proud of you, Tufala because you had beautifully used the voice, the expressions & what a great delivery it was. 

Mr. Vasau & Mr. Naidoo were the judges and Tufala was announced as the first runner-up with the participation certificate too. 

Here are some snapshots from the day: 

Lovely cute kids from Fledglings Team - All of them did a great job!!! 

Tufala from Room 8 did a tremendous job, Ka Pai !!! 

Mr. Vasau and Mr. Naidoo thank you for being wonderful judges

Kids receiving certificates for participation 

Participants of Rocketeers... 

Tufala was awarded the Silver certificate for being the first runner-up



1 comment:

  1. I was very proud of all the students at @RowandaleSchool in #BusyBees #Fledglings and #Rocketeers who did their #PoetryRecital
