Monday 5 June 2017

Our Samoan Art - learning patterns

Kia Ora to our Dragons' Whanau,

We really enjoyed learning everything about Samoan Culture last week. We had also tried our best to learn, imitate and create our own patterns in the given template using the pencil. It was quite amazing for us as we had a taste of everything that belongs to Samoa. Also, Mrs Kaur was impressed to see us how focused we were during this task. She said, "I am proud of you, Dedicated Dragons as everyone is their trying best." 

This is the video we saw first for the patterns: 

Here's us drawing the patterns - 


  1. Malo lava Dedicated Dragons. It is great to see that you all gave drawing the patterns a go. I think that your artwork looks really good. I can't wait to see the final product.

  2. Thank you, Miss Manuele for commenting about our patterns. Yes, sure we'll share the end product soon!!! Mrs Kaur can't wait to see...
